Lauren Vitkovsky – Chair
- Bachelor’s Degree in Theatre, High Point University, 1998
- WTDC’s Recording Secretary from 2018 to 2024, and Fundraising co-chair since 2021
- Currently serving as Orange County Democratic Committee’s Assistant Treasurer
- Extensive experience in local Democratic politics as campaign manager, co-field organizer, and volunteer
- Founding member of Warwick Valley Special Education PTA (SEPTA), where she served between 2017 and 2019
- Girl Scout trooper leader from 2016 to 2024
- Special Skill: Bread Baking (she bakes bread on Election Day to calm her nerves!)
Lauren explains why she’s a Democrat: “I became a Democrat before I realized I was a Democrat. In early high school, I was active with the American Red Cross as an HIV/AIDS instructor and would teach teachers how to talk to their classes about safety. I was always active with LGBTQ+ rights. My political activism is thanks in large part to my parents, two very highly active Republicans in the town where I grew up. I always knew that civic service was my responsibility as a citizen. I am still a Democrat because I believe that there is no group of people more deserving than any other of the riches that this country can offer and it is our responsibility to everyone to make sure they have equitable access to live happy, healthy and productive lives.”

Manolin Tirado (Manny) – Vice Chair
- Master’s Degree in Political Science, Brooklyn College; BA in History-Sociology from Columbia University
- WTDC’s Corresponding Secretary from 2022 to 2024; Membership co-chair since 2022
- Treasurer of the Middletown/West Orange County branch of the NAACP
- More than 35 years’ experience in public administration with NYS and NYC agencies, including as an MTA planner
- 17 years as an adjunct lecturer in Political Science at Brooklyn College, CUNY, and Metropolitan College of New York
- US Army Reserve veteran, with service as an intelligence analyst between 1982 and 1989
- Special Skill: Clarinet
Manolin “Manny” Tirado has been a member of the Warwick Democratic Town Committee since 2018. He is currently active in several veterans
organizations, and is a former member of the Greenwood Lake Planning Board. Manny enjoys boating, swimming, and traveling the world, and he can (and will) talk to everyone — he is our membership recruitment wizard. Manny identifies himself as an “FDR Democrat.” He believes that “all levels of government, federal, state, and local, have an obligation to protect civil liberties and our environment, and to regulate the economy to ensure fairness and equity in the marketplace for all the stakeholders in our nation.”

Christopher Keelty (Chris) – Corresponding Secretary
- Bachelor’s Degree, Writing, University of Pittsburgh
- A member of the WTDC since 2023, and the chair of the Community Outreach standing committee
- More than 25 years’ experience as a nonprofit fundraiser; has helped raise more than $60 million for organizations, including the ACLU, City Harvest, and the Visiting Nurse Service of New York
- Since 2018, Chris has been working with the 8th Amendment Project to end the death penalty in America
- Currently serves as the Secretary for the Middletown / West Orange County branch of the NAACP
- Head organizer of the New York City Writers Critique Group
Chris writes fiction and is also an amateur cartoonist. When asked why he’s a Democrat, Chris replied: “I believe the true vision of the United States has never been fully realized, and that none of us are truly free until off of us are free. I think we can achieve that dream if we work at it and live by our morals, and that the Democratic Party is the best opportunity to realize that here in Warwick.” He added, “In my view, the Democratic Party is not a “big tent” as people tend to say. We don’t have a tent. The Republicans have a tent, and we Democratic voters are the people left outside. I try to remember that always, and that we may not agree on a lot of things, but we all agree that we shouldn’t have to be rich, white, or male to have an equal say in how our government treats us.”

Chuck Dill – Recording Secretary
- Master’s Degree in Geology, Duke University, 1968, plus three years’ research in marine geology
- More than 70 years’ experience in sailing and sail racing
- Bikes between 8 and 40 miles per week, depending on the weather
Chuck Dill has been a member of the WTDC since 2022. His career as a geologist spanned from 1971 to 2017. Chuck previously served as the recording secretary for the Cedarcrest Home Owners Association in Florida, New York. He believes in the Democratic Party’s attitude regarding the concerns that are currently facing America, and is confident that the Democrats can address those concerns.

Greg Galluccio – Treasurer
- MBA, International Business and Finance, Northeastern University; Bachelor’s Degree, Electrical Engineering, University of Bridgeport
- 43-year career in the tech / electronics industry
- Served on the WTDC for two years as Sergeant at Arms
- In 2019, ran for Warwick Town Council
In addition to his talents as a cook, amateur gardener, and occasional woodworker, Greg is a professional musician, music producer, and recording engineer. He produces background music for television, and plays guitar with The Claudia Jacobs Band, a Long Island-based blues band. Greg has been a Democrat all his life. He explains, “Whenever it came time to vote, I always found that the Democratic Party candidates were running on values, ideas and principles that matched my own. I am active in the party because I believe the stakes have changed. I’m watching as the democratic principles this country was founded on are being eroded by a concerted effort on the part of the conservative movement to restrict voting rights, take away women’s rights, widen the gap between the rich and the poor and consolidate power among the wealthy.” Greg is most concerned about preserving our basic human rights and freedoms, mitigating climate change, and ensuring affordable health care for all Americans.

Jeanne Thompson – Sergeant at Arms
- An eight-year member of the WTDC, and currently serving her fourth year (third term) as Sergeant at Arms
- Jeanne is a very active member of the committee, volunteering her time and talents at numerous events
- Her top concerns for America are our unbalanced justice system, the problems with our educational system, and all issues related to equality
A self-professed student of the School of Life, Jeanne feels strongly about her role as a Democrat, pointing to the words “We The People,” that begin the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution. While she never served in the Armed Forces herself, she comes from a long line of military service members. She is both a fabulous cook and an amazing baker (no easy feat!). She loves taking care of people, feeding them, and offering a helping hand. She also has an uncanny knack for finding a person’s doppelganger! She can match up a look or mannerism to someone, whether it be from another person, a voice, or even a cartoon character!

Christine Stage (Chris) – Parliamentarian
- Former Chair of the WTDC, and currently serving as Vice Chair of the Orange County Democratic Committee, Chris is a state delegate to the New York State Democratic Committee and a delegate to the 2024 National convention
- Chris worked as an assistant county attorney for more than 33 years, primarily prosecuting child abuse and neglect cases for the Department of Social Services. She eventually became a supervisor of the attorneys in that unit, before going into private practice, representing people in Family Court and criminal courts who could not afford representation
- Previously served as President of the Warwick Lions Club, and remains a member of that organization
- Former President of the Orange County Bar Association and the Pine Island PTA
Chris has been a lifelong Democrat. She grew up in a heavily Republican area, but both of her parents were Democrats and taught her that all people are equal, regardless of their faith, race, or economic situation. Chris was a strong supporter of Robert F. Kennedy, Sr., and worked on McGovern’s campaign. Since that time, she has been involved in numerous political campaigns since 2016. She is most concerned about securing economic stability for all, but especially for children, strong, common-sense gun regulations, and environmental policies in light of the threats posed by climate change. Chris ran for judge three times. Chris also ran the NYC Marathon, and is a proud adoptive parent of two children and four grandchildren. Ask her about the time she won a contest by telling a dirty joke!